Thank you for allowing me the chance to help you on your quest for knowledge. I, like many of you, have been involved in relationships that involved narcissistic abuse. These experiences inspired me to reach out to others and help where we can.
I have my BA in Psychology, soon to have my MA as well, have studied extensively about personality disorders since 2006, and believe I have a gift to teach and guide those who are willing and able to receive from me.
My husband also has valuable insights and wisdom from his own life experiences to share. We often work together as a unit. DelusionDispeller website is designed to provide you with information to help you understand what you are going through in your life. It is not a substitute for in-person counseling with a qualified trauma specialist or therapist.
The Creator did not put you on this planet to be abused, neglected, mistreated, or endangered. If you have been, please realize that this is less than what you were created to be, believe that someone does understand, and dare to trust just one more time. We are here to tell you that there is hope. We will journey together, at your pace, and find tools to either cope or to move on, and we will do our best, with God's wisdom, to help you get through it.
Through my videos online, email, and/or phone calls we are here to help you discover where it all went wrong, if the situation is worth staying in, or if it's time to spread your wings (like the butterfly) and take flight to brighter horizons.
I am certain we will talk soon, but until then, keep this in mind: every situation is unique and different and yet similar in some ways, as long as both people are willing to work at it and operate from their true selves, many situations can change, if it seems to be 'too good to be true' it often is, trust what your objectivity is telling you and when it's time to fly, don't wait till "the next time," You deserve hope, help, and freedom. As long as you see yourself as an "object" in life, meant to fulfill everyone else's needs, you will never feel truly fulfilled and whole!
You were bought with a price, designed and destined for freedom, liberty. Do not return to the yoke of bondage that has held you captive for so long. Pursue life and never settle for less! (based on Galatians 5:1)
I am here. I care.
~LauraBeth, B.S. (DelusionDispeller)
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