Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Disorders: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

People with Narcissistic Personality disorder are grandiose, thinking they are the most important and best person on the planet. They brag about accomplishments and, sometimes there is no proof of them having achieved what they claim. Usually, narcissists like to appear as being extremely busy, the savior of others, and people who know people. Narcissists have a sense of entitlement, which means they think they should get whatever they want, simply because they exist and are super special. Narcissists will connect to anyone who will do their bidding. These people were generally not raised properly as children…having been either abused, neglected or treated as the “golden child.” If you are not on the side of the narcissist, he/she will perceive that you are out to destroy them. They cannot relate to deep emotions and see people that show emotions as weak or wimpy. Narcissists only care about what matters to them, usually to protect the false image of themselves that they present to the world. A narcissist will react to confrontation by using the silent treatment or severe rage. People with this disorder can take you under their wing one moment and then turn and rip you to pieces verbally the next minute; this is known as idealization/devaluation. Narcissists are game players that seek to always be seen as the best but knowing in the deep part of their heart, that they are afraid, jealous, insecure human beings.

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