In order to have a true diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) a person must have 5 of the 9 traits of the disorder. This video talks about the 9 traits that need to be seen in order to determine a true narcissistic character of a client.
The motive behind harming others is what distinguishes a narcissist from a psychopath. Narc's main objective is to protect their image that they want others to see as them. Psychopaths simply enjoy harming people, get a "rush" out of it, and have no remorse over what they do.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
This Past Week: Cyclothymia Explained
This past week, a disorder known as Cyclothymic Mood Disorder or Cyclothymia was discussed. This is similar to the familiar Bipolar Disorder, but it's fluctuations in moods can last longer. People with Cyclothymia tend to react to what is going on inside of themselves, rather than being affected by external situations. Cyclothymics tend to be rather indecisive about things and will often "hop" around from job to job, person to person, and hobby to hobby, seeming almost schizophrenic at times. Cyc's often become very intense and smothering in relationships; even the ones they should not even be part of. It is difficult for people with this disorder to adapt to change, though they will adapt to people in order to be accepted and approved of. CMD is troubling for the people who have it, but it is not impossible to treat and deal with. Medication and therapy is warranted in most situations and can often have a very favorable outcome.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
2.Cyclothymia Explained
In this video, I will discuss how CMD has affected me. I am a "moment person" which means my "needle" can sometimes get stuck. I don't do this anymore, but during the era of this filming, I had a real problem with this. There are similar traits with other disorders with people who have CMD. I prefer to live in the present rather than discussing the future. I like to experience each moment fully and I really LIVE in the moment. During the filming of this video, I sense that my speech is rapid...more rapid than it is in the beginning of the month. At this time 2013, I do not talk super fast like I used to, but it does bother me trying to have a conversation with other people who do this. This is why I urge people to seek a therapist before contacting me. I am a life coach, not a therapist, and I do not have the tools or patience to deal with people who have not been treated for their severe disorders.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Cyclothymia Explained Part I
One type of mental health challenge is a form of bipolar disorder, which is milder than BP D but as troubling to those who battle it. It is known as Cyclothymia or Cyclothymic Mood Disorder (CMD). I was diagnosed with this in 2006 after coming out of a very toxic relationship with a mentor. Not only had I been attracting these types of abusive people, but I fought to remain in unhealthy relationships due to CMD. On this video, I discuss the basics about CMD and will share from experiences and research about the disorder. It's not hopeless if you have this problem, it's only hopeless if you don't seek treatment. Enjoy the information on this series and thanks so much for watching.
Private Life Coaching is available after you have been diagnosed, sought therapy, and are stable and ready to move forward. Email me at for information.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Recap on The Disorders
Over the past 5 days, personality disorders have been discussed. Narcissistic Personality, Avoidant Personality, Borderline Personality, Paranoid and Dependent Personality, and Histrionic Personality disorders all have different characteristics and can occur with each other in a person. I explained the basic traits of each disorder as follows: Narcissistic Personality Disorder involves a person having a false-persona that he/she will protect at all costs, through using defense mechanisms such as projection, grandiose thinking, and entitlement. Avoidant personality is seen in people through their desires to avoid doing new things, socializing with people, and not wanting to take risks, due to their desire to not be made fun of or do things wrong. Borderline people tend to have very deep-seated emotions and react to perceived rejections and abandonment by self-inflicted harm, threats of suicide and other types of defenses. Paranoid people tend to have irrational fears that have no proven basis. Dependent personality disorder is seen in people clinging to others, expecting others to make important decisions for them, and deep insecurities when not with the people they are dependent on. Lastly, Histrionic disorder shows up in the person who demands that all eyes remain on him/her, and who will act seductive or showy in order to be sure that they do.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
The Disorders: Borderline Personality Disorder
A person with Borderline Personality disorder is emotionally and psychologically irratic. They will do anything to keep you from leaving or rejecting them, whether threatening suicide or trying to make you feel guilty for things. Addictions are common in this disorder…self-mutilation, drinking, eating disorders, cutting are also part of it. Borderlines feel non-existent so they will do things to make themselves “feel” like they are materialized. People with this disorder tend to cling, will alternately pull you close and push you away, can become the center of attention at the expense of others. Dissociation is part of the disorder, as is “losing time.” Borderlines can be heard to say “I don’t remember” because they will black out at times and not realize what they just experienced. It is difficult to be a close friend of a person who has this disorder, because you can be accused of plotting against your friend, and often, you may be seen as not truly caring for them.
Friday, December 13, 2013
The Disorders: Paranoid Personality Disorder
A person with Paranoid Personality disorder has irrational suspicions. They believe that someone is spying on them or out to get them in some way. There is generally no proof that this person’s fears are logical and most people think they are acting crazy when they voice their fears. People with this disorder can be very hostile, homo-phobic, and are difficult to remain close to in relationships. A person with Dependent Personality Disorder is clingy, has trouble making his/her own decisions, and generally avoids situations unless someone else can do the thinking and choosing for him/her.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
The Disorders: The Avoidant Personality Disorder
A person with Avoidant Personality disorder will stay away from doing new things because they are afraid that people will not like or make fun of them. When you suggest to an avoidant that they need to go out and meet people they will immediately show panic, make excuses, and justify why they are not interested in your socialization suggestion. Avoidants want to connect with people but are not sure how to get past their anxiety about it. People with this disorder are NOT risk-takers and will do anything to avoid staying out of new situations in which they have to face their fears of involvement.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The Disorders: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
People with Narcissistic Personality disorder are grandiose, thinking they are the most important and best person on the planet. They brag about accomplishments and, sometimes there is no proof of them having achieved what they claim. Usually, narcissists like to appear as being extremely busy, the savior of others, and people who know people. Narcissists have a sense of entitlement, which means they think they should get whatever they want, simply because they exist and are super special. Narcissists will connect to anyone who will do their bidding. These people were generally not raised properly as children…having been either abused, neglected or treated as the “golden child.” If you are not on the side of the narcissist, he/she will perceive that you are out to destroy them. They cannot relate to deep emotions and see people that show emotions as weak or wimpy. Narcissists only care about what matters to them, usually to protect the false image of themselves that they present to the world. A narcissist will react to confrontation by using the silent treatment or severe rage. People with this disorder can take you under their wing one moment and then turn and rip you to pieces verbally the next minute; this is known as idealization/devaluation. Narcissists are game players that seek to always be seen as the best but knowing in the deep part of their heart, that they are afraid, jealous, insecure human beings.
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Tuesday, December 10, 2013
The Disorders: Histrionic Personality Disorder
A person with Histrionic Personality disorder seeks to be the center of attention at any cost. They are seductive, even with people in positions of authority. Histrionics use their bodies to make people notice them and pay attention. They are flamboyant, strutting around like peacocks and believing that people “belong” to them. They are flirtatious and talk a lot. They are dramatic and obnoxious and can make a scene. Histrionics are “bolder than life” people. People with the disorder will make any conversation end up focused back on themselves. This disorder often occurs along with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which will be discussed in the next blog.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Recap of End of November to Early December
of the past week we discussed information about people with Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I explained how both Borderlines and Narcissists have a fear of you leaving them, but for different reasons. I also told about the exhaustion that comes from trying to befriend or help either type of person, the similarities and differences between the two personality disorders, and what it is like to be cornered by both. Though both NPD and BPD are disorders involving the personality, the traits of the narcissist make him or her very difficult to relate to and especially, get close with long-term. The Borderline, by nature, craves relationships of intimacy, but because of his or her tendency to become too clingy, needy, and unstable, people who try to bond with them also feel that it can be almost impossible to have a fair give-and-take relationship. Borderlines can be helped through therapy, whereas, simple talk-therapy alone will never help the true narcissist.
Monday, December 2, 2013
5. Being Cornered by Narcissists and Borderlines
Both people with narcissistic and borderline personality disorders use silent treatment, overreactto things, watch you to see what they should do or say next, corner you, live in 3rd person (and someties speak in it) Dealing with people who have either issue is difficult and feels almost impossible.
My view of how to overcome the hurts that are caused by disordered people, is to read the Bible and learn what GOD thinks of you. One of the reasons people who were victimized have a hard time moving on without the narcissist, is that they don’t know who they are without him or her. God has some wonderful things to say about and to you in His Word, as you will learn on this video.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
4. Similarities and Differences Between BPD and NPD people
There are similarities between people’s behaviors that have NPD and BPD. They are as follows:
Both avoid TRUE intimacy, have inner shame, are selfish, carry shame, have mood changes, ignore people’s feelings, project their issues onto others, live in denial (BPD’s will however, admit they have issues and want help), act out of defense from perceived wounds, will gaslight others, isolate others, and value/devalue people.
The main difference in the behavior of the narcissist versus the borderline, however is that the borderline shows remorse after doing something or saying something that is hurtful or wrong, and the narcissist shows no remorse, but only entitlement and grandiosity, with lack of empathy.
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