Sunday, January 22, 2012

Church Time

All I can say is that I look so forward to church.  Unfortunately, I may have encountered a narcissist there too. My point is, they are EVERYWHERE, especially in authority positions.  You can rest assured I will not be getting "chummy" with the church-going N any moreso than the ones that aren't spiritual. The N that almost did me in was a ministers daughter and minister herself.  No thank you, guru!

Please, realize that, even if someone claims to be something, it does not guarantee that they are.  People can tell you anything about themselves, but until you get up close and personal, you will never really KNOW.  For anyone that wants to quote the "but Jesus loved people and ate with sinners" I have some info for you too...Jesus called the narcissists of his day "white-washed sepulchres full of DEAD MEN'S BONES."  In other words, NO Jesus did not just go around spreading nothing but love and appreciation wherever he trod. He was very UP FRONT when he encountered abusive, self-absorbed, punishers.  Those were known as pharisees but a narcissist by any other name is still a narcissist!

Have a wonderful day today FREE OF THE FALSE-SELF ABSORBED in your life and church!


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