Sunday, January 29, 2012

As I was watching a Dr Phil episode, which I would like anyone reading this to view, I realized that the response of this girl reminded me of my daughter, my former mentor, and some other people that tried to use narcissistic tactics to control and manipulate me.  This is what people don't see in public, the face that is shown behind closed doors, the hideous creature that stays hidden from plain view and only lurks in the recesses of privacy with their victims.

Next time someone tells you about being abused by a narcissist or controlling person, BELIEVE THEM PLEASE! Look at the look on this girl's face when she says "I don't like to be disrespected," and now picture your friend, family member, acquaintance, who seems either so STRONG AND UNSHAKEABLE that it's almost robotic, or TIMID AND SCARED OF HER/HIS OWN SHADOW...and realize WHAT WE ARE SEEING AND EXPERIENCING, THE NARCISSIST NEVER SHOWS YOU!!!

Believe the victims. They are voiceless but they ARE BEING ABUSED!

~Voice of the Voiceless

Dr Phil

1 comment:

  1. I thank you so much for the work you're doing pointing out tangible instances of Pathological is work like this that I believe provides hope that someday this issue will be one that is brought to the limelight so that while we may not be able to find a cure in this lifetime, or effective treatment, people can at least protect themselves from being targeted.
