Friday, January 13, 2012

It's great to see everyone here as this will be my very first blog post on this fine site of Betty's!
Just a bit about who I am.  I'm first and foremost a child of God, Yahweh, sister to His son Yahuwshu`a (Jesus is the name most people call him, or I call Him Brother Yah), and a carrier of Holy Spirit.
My training comes through a Bachelor Degree in Psychology/emphasis on child development.  
My experience comes from being married for 23 years to a man with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (the somatic type) as well as spending several years being "mentored" by a pastor's daughter that I believe exhibited narcissistic and borderline personality disorder traits and before her, another mentor that exhibited definite Borderline Personality Disorder traits.
I am also a mother of 4 daughters ranging from 12 to 26, and a grandmother of one granddaughter.
I spend my days online working toward my Masters degree in Public Health, playing "Virtual Families" and word games online, running my own Youtube channel (vidoes of narcissistic personality disorder and other psych topics there), and chatting, emailing friends, or else talking by phone to people or just hanging out with my fiancee and daughter.
The main things I want people to know is that:
1.) NPD is a true disorder, recognized by the American Psychological Association (AMA) as a viable disorder.
2.) People with NPD truly ARE that cruel, heartless, and tactless as you have experienced. It isn't just you "misinterpreting their motives" "misunderstanding 'what just happened' or 'what they just said.'"  
3.) You do NOT EVER deserve any type of abuse from a narcissist or anyone else, no matter what you look like, sound like, act like.  You do deserve boundaries if you are about to hurt yourself or someone else.
4.) You are important and beautiful to God and to me!
5.) Your feelings, opinions, ideas MATTER!
6.) You do NOT have to stay in the abusive situation or with that abuser!
7.) You are NOT ALONE!
There is a lot to say about this type of disorder and others, but I will leave it at those 7 precepts for now, and allow you to browse and learn from this website, the blogs, videos, information, and links.
Bless you as you seek recovery and reclamation of your identity :)
~Delusion Dispeller (Laura)

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